Air National Guard uses overweight Colonel to scold enlisted Airman about his eating

In what might be the best official video made by a U.S. military unit in a long time, an Illinois Air National Guard commander scolds an airman about eating junk food.

The video was created by the 126th Air Refueling Wing and features Colonel Michael Mihalik, the Commander of the Wing’s 126th Mission Support Group at Scott Air Force Base, Illinois.

It is not known if he was chosen to participate in the video because of his weight but, in the video, he slaps a candy bar and canned drink out of an Airman’s hands in front of a vending machine.

“250 calories, that stuff will kill you,” he says in the video.

After the incident, the Airman is approached by a Tech Sgt. (E-6) while sulking with his head down.

The Air Force Tech Sgt. tells the Airman he can report his commander through the DEOCS survey.

The Defense Organizational Climate Survey (DEOCS) is a Congressionally mandated unit-level climate survey that is available to all military commanders and Department of Defense (DoD) civilian organization leaders.

“The survey collects information on unit climate, harassment and discrimination, diversity and inclusion, and other aspects of organizational climate,” the DoD’s Office of People Analytics states.

DEOCS originally began as the Military Equal Opportunity Climate Survey (MEOCS) in 1990 and now over 1 million people complete it annually

As the Commander of the 126th Mission Support Group, Colonel Mihalik leads six separate Squadrons and Flights including Civil Engineer, Security Forces, Logistics, Communications/Cyber, Force Support/Services, and Contracting for a 900-member Illinois Air National Guard Wing of nine KC-135R aircraft and an Active Association Squadron, the 906th Air Refueling Squadron.

Servicemembers who wish to fill out the survey can do so through the DEOCS portal.

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