A soldier at Fort Cavazos and his girlfriend were arrested for sexually abusing children and creating child pornography.
Then 22-year-old Spc. Freddy Sanchez, assigned to the 69th Air Defense Artillery Brigade, and his 18-year-old girlfriend, Zoe Sophia Williams were arrested after an investigation by the Gillespie County Sheriff’s Office and Army CID agents in October of 2023.
After Willliams agreed to cooperate with police and Army CID agents, child pornography was found on her phone.
Deputies discovered Williams had searched for child pornography on the internet and took pornographic images of children she was babysitting.
A Gillespie County Sheriff’s Office spokesperson said the inappropriate acts with children originated with Sanchez.
At the time of his arrest, Sanchez was held at the Bell County Jail before being transferred to pretrial confinement by his Army commander.
In May of 2024, Sanchez accepted a plea agreement and was convicted by a military judge of four specifications of rape of a child, two specifications of sexual abuse of a child, one specification of obstructing justice, and three specifications of wrongful possession of child pornography.
He was sentenced to be reduced to the grade of E-1, to be confined for 85 years, and to be discharged from the service with a dishonorable discharge.
“Williams would sometimes babysit,” a spokesperson from Gillespie County Sheriff’s Office said in 2023. “If you feel that your child may have been a victim, have concerns, or have any other information regarding Williams, please call GCSO Deputy Investigator Bobby Blumrich.”
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