Army intelligence analyst who sold secrets to China wanted to be “Jason Bourne”

Army Sergeant Korbein Schultz had decided to plead guilty to selling U.S. military secrets to China, according to new court documents.

Schultz was arrested in March after he was accused of selling sensitive U.S. military information to an employee of a geopolitical consulting firm in Hong Kong in June 2022.

His trial was set for Aug. 13. but his federal public defender, Mary Kathryn Harcombe Harcombe, asked U.S. District Judge Aleta Trauger for a hearing to change Schultz’s plea.

On Friday morning she filed a motion, stating Schultz “has decided to change his plea of not guilty to a plea of guilty pursuant to an agreement with the government.”

The Tennessean emailed Harcombe and the U.S. Attorney’s Office for the Middle District of Tennessee seeking more information as the motion did indicate the terms of the plea agreement.

At the time of his arrest, Schultz was charged with three counts of unlawful export of defense articles to China and one count of conspiracy to do the same, conspiracy to unlawfully communicate defense information, and bribery of a public official.

He pleaded not guilty to those charges two days later.

The federal indictment claims he received $42,000 in exchange for shared information about advanced military helicopters, high-mobility artillery rocket systems, defensive missile systems, and Chinese military tactics, as well as the tactics, techniques, and procedures manuals for the F-22A fighter jet and intercontinental missiles.

The indictment also claims Schultz once told his co-conspirator he “wished he could be ‘Jason Bourne,'” the ex-CIA agent portrayed in the “Jason Bourne” film series.

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According to his social media, he is the son of a Vietnam War veteran who passed away from Agent Orange exposure in 2018.

He is also married with one child.

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