Military police find an illegally cut fence, potential security breaches with the help of local police

By U.S. Army Garrison Hawai’i Public Affairs

WAHIAWA, Hawai’i – In a continued effort to strengthen community safety and enhance collaboration, U.S. Army Garrison Hawai’i military police and local law enforcement officers conducted a joint terrain walk on last Friday at the Lightning Academy, located in Wahiawa Heights.

The walk, which included Honolulu Police Department (HPD) Officer Napoli, and Army Emergency Services representatives Chief Mark Richards, chief of police, Mr. Stephen Hurling, physical security officer, and Mr. Jim Tyler, deputy director of emergency services, took place at 1 p.m. and focused on illegal trespassing onto government property at Schofield Barracks and assessing key areas for future joint operations.

The team reviewed both the academy area and other newly improved motorcross trails approximately a quarter mile south of the academy. Following their assessment, the group agreed that with available military vehicles, including 4-wheel drive SUVs and HPD all-terrain vehicles, they could successfully conduct joint patrols throughout the East Range area bordering Wahiawa. These patrols will enhance the security of military installations and the surrounding community, fostering cooperation between military personnel and local law enforcement.

After the terrain walk, the team visited Wahiawa Middle School on Rose Street, where they identified a potential security vulnerability. A section of the fence line adjacent to the school had been illegally cut as evidenced by worn ground and specific tracks in the area. Officer Napoli shared city plans to install a gate to prevent unauthorized access to the school grounds, further improving the safety of local students.

In response to the findings, U.S. Army Physical Security personnel will conduct a full survey of the borders adjacent to the school area for additional openings in the fence and coordinate repairs. The Army team will also reach out to their Department of Public Works to replace the unserviceable gate at the Lightning Academy.

Chief Richards and Officer Napoli are working to coordinate joint patrolling activities as soon as possible with HPD’s all-terrain vehicles. These patrols will be looking for illegal off-road motorcycles and all-terrain vehicles illegally trespassing on government property. The joint efforts will be supported with a truck and trailer for confiscated bikes, ATVs or E-Bikes. Both teams agreed that enforcement and monitoring are the keys to success, along with community assistance.

“Many of the recreational riders who are trespassing are local community members here in Wahiawa, and we are asking for the community’s assistance in preventing dirt bikers from both cutting our fences and recreating on Army property,” said Jim Tyler, Deputy Director of Emergency Services.

This initiative underscores the Army’s ongoing commitment to community safety and its strong relationship with local law enforcement, ensuring the land management includes a secure environment for both military personnel and civilians.

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