The wife of a military veteran is speaking out after her husband was arrested for shooting a man who groomed and raped their daughter in Arkansas.
Heather Spencer, 37, said, on an online support campaign, her husband killed a 67-year-old family friend in self-defense after he kidnapped their 13-year-old daughter.
The Lonoke County Sheriff’s Office confirmed 36-year-old Aaron Spencer was booked on suspicion of first-degree murder after he allegedly shot and killed 67-year-old Michael Fosler during a “confrontation” that ensued after he found his daughter “in a vehicle” with Fosler.
The Sheriff’s Office says they found Fosler dead after responding to a missing child report on Oct. 8.
Heather said she noticed her daughter missing after her dog woke her and her husband up from sleeping.
“This is unusual and caused us to check on her. In that moment we lived every parents biggest fear as we realized our teen child was missing,” Heather’s post said. “We frantically searched our home/property and started calling friends, family, and 911. My husband immediately got into his truck to go blindly searching for our child.”
Heather claims her husband managed to find Fosler driving on their street with their 13-year-old daughter in his vehicle.
“As soon as the predator knew my husband was behind him, he ran. The chase ended in an accident. Aaron was able to retrieve our child alive, but in the process he was attacked and did what he had to do to protect himself and our minor child,” the mother said. “He is now facing an outrageous murder 1 charge.”
“I have no doubt our child would have not come home if my husband hadn’t found her,” she added.
Heather said Fosler had already been arrested for what he did to her daughter but was able to kidnap her since he was free on bond until his court date.
“We let the justice system do its job. The monster who hurt our child was charged quickly, but released even faster on a $50k bond. He was awaiting court in December for several felonies in relation to what he did to our child,” she said.
Court records show Michael Fosler was arrested in July for rape and internet stalking of a child.
A Facebook post also reveals he is a retired US Army Major who volunteered his time with children at an elementary school.

Lonoke County prosecutors are still deciding if charges will be filed against Spencer who is currently free on a $150,000 bond he posted the day after the shooting.
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