On Thursday, the U.S. Army announced today that it has met its active-duty recruiting goals for the fiscal year of 2024.
“The U.S. Army’s recruiting force achieved our 55,000 accessions goal more than a month ahead of schedule, and we are on track to have more than 11,000 in our delayed entry program by the end of the month. This is more than double the goal we set for our delayed entry program and will allow our recruiting efforts for next year to start strong right out of the gate,” said Secretary of the Army Christine Wormuth.
Numerous changes to the way the Army recruits soldiers happened this year, such as the implementation of Talent Acquisition Technician warrant officers.
The Army gave credit to its Army Enterprise Marketing Office for building upon the “Be All You Can Be” branding campaign and “leveraging innovative new technologies to reach expanded audiences and help identify candidates interested in military service.”
Army Public Affairs did not elaborate on the “new technologies” in their statements but during the Army’s Media Roundtable, Major General Johnny Davis, the Commanding General of the Army Recruiting Command, offered more details when asked by a journalist.
“One of the experiments that we’re working on right now is Recruit 360, and we’re testing it across five different cities in the U.S., but usually essentially helping–I think we partnered with Deloitte and their expertise with artificial intelligence to help us look at applicant pools in these particular cities to figure out, from an AI perspective, if there are traits or things that would–let’s say I’m a football player or I like a number of different sports or I’m a runner, they will help us with that in terms of looking at that applicant pool,” said Major General Davis.
“So when our recruiters talk to them, they can talk to them given that background information,” he added.
Davis went on to say the previous methods, such as cold calling a list of high school seniors, are outdated.
“We have to expand. And from an innovation perspective, that’s been going on for about two months, and there’s a lot of wonderful things that are happening,” said Major General Davis.
“And the recruiters are now providing feedback to even make it better, but they love it. They now love an ability to understand their market based off of the use of AI, and that was one of the first innovation initiatives that we pursued.”
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