A young woman made a shocking admission that some say is “standard these days” during a podcast and it has been making its rounds on social media.
While speaking on the Whatever podcast about ten months ago, a former Buffalo Wild Wings waitress in Alabama discussed her intimate encounters with soldiers from the same platoon.
Small clips of her speaking during the podcast have been circulating on social media pages, such as NotInRegs, but only offer a limited part of the entire story.
Not long into the podcast the host began questioning the former waitress and asked her about dating a man who locked her in a room during their entire relationship.
She admitted dating a 20-year-old for a year and a half while she was only 14 years old.
“I would go and leave school [to go to his house] and I couldn’t leave,” she said. “I had to sneak out the window when I wanted to go home,” she said.
The guest host quickly replied by saying, “I think you are pretty bad at picking boyfriends.”
“I got a lot to work on, therapy, inner healing,” she said while rolling her eyes.
She went on to say she is very giving and often pays for the men she dates from her earnings on an adult platform, but wouldn’t disclose how much she earns.
“I make enough,” she said.
The more the host dug into the sad story of her youth, she laughed while admitting to living in a “Trap House,” a slang term for a home in which drugs are sold.
While she says she never took part in any illegal sales, she says she consumed numerous different illegal substances.
The next question for her further explored her evident need to feel wanted.
She was asked to tell the story about how she came to start dating a girl she had met at a funeral.
While in Paris, she was invited to Miami to attend a funeral by a girl she had only known through text messages for two weeks.
“I was like hell yea, I’ll be there for you,” she said.
This discussion is what led to her being asked about her pre-podcast admission of being intimate with an entire platoon.
“Marine or Air Force?” the host asked her.
“Army, sadly,” she quickly replied.
She went on to describe Marines as being better but only used some hand motions and sounds to describe them, but stated soldiers are known to “suck.”
When asked how many soldiers was she with when she called it a “platoon,” she said it was roughly 20 soldiers over a span of a week.
After seeing the shocked expression from the guest host, she quickly retracted her statement and said it was over a month.
She said it all started after she met one soldier at her job at Buffalo Wild Wings and they would “do it” in her car in the parking lot after work.
After that, the soldier would bring fellow soldiers with him and when she said she was attracted to them, he would set them up with her.
“It would be like Jeanie, the next batch is here coming in,” she said.
“I love my country, USA,” she added while noting she was never paid for any of the interactions.
When asked about how old she was at the time, the 21-year-old said she didn’t want to say her actual age because she was underage.
An older woman on the podcast, who she had offered advice earlier in the podcast, asked her if she ever considered the first soldier that she hooked up with was “pimping her out.”
“He could have, It didn’t cross my mind…” she said, leaving the entire podcast in silence.
These comments were omitted from the clips circulating on social media and segwayed into the question about her father, whom she said left before she was born.
“I do have daddy issues…and mommy issues,” she said.
In response to her comment, the co-host addressed the live online audience and said, “This is why you must raise your daughters.”
“Use me as a reference, be there for your child,” she chimed in.
When the older woman on the podcast mentioned she only dates young men, the waitress offered an applicable parable as a lesson for her.
“You know that story about God in the boat,” she said referring to the Christian parable known as the drowning man or as “Two Boats and a Helicopter.”
She went on to describe the parable that tells a short story of a man who denied numerous rescue attempts by rescuers while waiting for God to help him and eventually drowned.
When he asked God why he drowned, God told him he sent all the would-be rescuers to help him.
“There’s your boat girlfriend… I’m not even religious,” she told the older woman.
She cited her upbringing in Alabama as the reason for learning about Christianity.
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