Soldier found dead by his friends on side of a road near Fort Campbell

The Fort Campbell soldier who was found dead on the side of a road this weekend has been identified.

At around 2:32 a.m. on Saturday, Army Specialist Parker Stoltz, 24, was found by his friends who called 911 after finding him on the side of Tobacco Road, near the intersection with Hadley Road in Clarksville, Tennessee.

According to the Clarksville Police Department, Stoltz was killed when his motorcycle ran off Tobacco Road and struck a utility pole.

The department said no other vehicles were involved and Stoltz was pronounced dead at the scene.

Source: Facebook

“I’m not sure what to say right now other than I’m sorry to everyone,” his wife Arianna, on Facebook. “I know we all lost a person so special to all of us and this will never be easy.”

Parker and Arianna Stoltz celebrated their son’s first birthday at the end of July.

His mother, Moriah is on her way to Tennessee to receive her late son and support her grandchildren but has experienced numerous travel delays.

“2 delayed flights and then canceled, hopefully the next one at 7 am gets me to my boy,” she said Tuesday morning.

“I should have been there by now. I’ve been here since 4 yesterday and nothing to do but think. It’s agonizing, yet strangely peaceful. I’m just a mama trying to get to her boy to say goodbye.”

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