“You smell good:” Military police officer accused of pulling knife on his battalion commander, other crimes

A Military police officer at Fort Cambell has been forced out of the Army after being accused of multiple offenses.

Specialist Daniel Cash was accused of sending harassing sexual messages to an Army Private First Class last summer.

At the end of July 2023 and into early August 2023, he was accused of sending unwanted pictures and video of his genitals to the soldier.

“I hope you don’t mind seeing my (eggplant emoji),” he wrote.

“I usually don’t send these videos to females unless they ask for it,” he added. “I don’t care if you are uncomfortable because we are both adults and have needs.”

He also said she turned him on, smelled good, and claimed he could make her “wet” in under two minutes, according to the Army.

Later that year, in December, the Army says he went AWOL from his unit, the 516th Military Police Company, for three weeks.

Source: TikTok

Upon his return in early January 2024, he was ordered to remain at the 101st Airborne Division’s 101st Sustainment Brigade’s Command suite lobby.

The Army says he disobeyed this command and drew a knife on his Battalion Commander – a Lieutenant Colonel (0-5).

During a Court-Martial, last month, he was given a Bad Conduct Discharge and sentenced to four months of confinement.

It’s not clear how much time he spent confined after his sentence on July 8, 2024 due to him having credits for being confined before trial.

Judging by his social media posts this week, he is now in Florida and free from confinement.

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