A Marine Corps veteran just broke two world records while playing video games, landing him in the Guinness World Record book.
According to the Guinness, he used his disabilities to his advantage.
Justin O’Donnell suffers from insomnia which appears to have worked in his favor.
He played World of Warcraft for 78 hours and 30 minutes without any sleep, beating the previous record by over 19 hours.
His three-day gaming session also set the record for the longest videogame marathon while playing an MMORPG (massively multiplayer online role-playing game).
“I got physically tired, not so much mentally. I don’t suffer from a lot of the typical issues when I’m awake for so long, like lethargy and hearing things. Some people start to slur their words and might even be mistaken for intoxicated – I typically don’t get any of that,” he told Guinness.
Justin says he’s had trouble sleeping since 2005 and it started when he became homeless.
He ended up joining the Marines in 2010 but says the Corps only made his insomnia even worse.
He says his gaming record time is nowhere close to how long he’s been awake without gaming though.
Before receiving treatment, he says he only used to sleep for 15 hours a week and stayed up for 200 hours sometimes.
He technically could have slept for a few minutes and still set the records but chose not to.
The world records for the ‘longest marathon,’ allow for five minutes of rest time after each hour of gaming but Justin used the time “to stretch, play with his dogs, and cook burgers,” according to Guinness.
Even while doing those things during his allotted time, he still didn’t use all the time. He finished the marathon with 80 minutes of unused rest time.
“I personally don’t need much break, but the community was adamant I take them,” he said.
It wasn’t the need for a break that was the hardest for him.
He says he suffers from PTSD, ADHD, and rheumatoid arthritis and just got bored of playing the game for so long.
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