“It will impact your life for the better:” Soldier who volunteered to be a drill sergeant encourages everyone to join

The Army recently highlighted one of their drill sergeants for volunteering to become a drill sergeant as an (E-5) sergeant.

Joshua Samuels volunteered and was selected to be a drill sergeant as an E-5, “in hopes to help inspire others,” according to the Army.

Any Army E-5 or promotable E-4 can volunteer to become a drill sergeant but being selected, according to Ericka Gillespie of the Fort Gregg-Adams public affairs, is something that doesn’t usually happen.

“I knew that I wanted to travel and have new experiences,” Staff Sgt. Joshua M. Samuels told Gillespie about his decision to join the Army.

The 25-year-old, from Marion, South Carolina, decided to join the U.S. Army as a 91B – Wheeled Vehicle Mechanic in 2017.

He now serves as a drill sergeant for Bravo Company, 16th Ordnance Battalion, 59th Ordnance Brigade at Fort Gregg-Adams, formerly Fort Lee.

While Gillespie never said if Samuels ever had a chance to do any traveling while being enlisted, she did state he now trains and oversees Soldiers who are in the same Military Occupational Specialty (MOS) in the same building that he came through his Advanced Individual Training at.

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“Being a Drill Sergeant has been such a rewarding experience,” he told Gillespie.

It’s not known if Gillespie asked him about any specific Army experiences that were rewarding, but if she did, she did not include them in her story.

No public images of him in uniform show him wearing a patch on his right shoulder, suggesting he has yet to have the opportunity to deploy overseas during his seven years in the service.

“If I could give one piece of advice to anyone considering serving in the Army it would be to DO IT,” Samuels added. “It will immediately change and impact your life for the better.”

Gillespie agreed with his sentiment, stating “the opportunities offered to those who join the military are unmatched.”

Read More: Army says it will meet its recruiting goal by giving poor-performing recruits a second chance

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